DIY Engraved and Burned Mr&Mrs Hangers: Personalized Wedding Mementos

Engraved and Burned Hangers

    Are you looking for a personalised and budget-friendly wedding DIY project? Creating engraved and burned hangers with "Mr" and "Mrs" is a wonderful way to add a special touch to your wedding day. These unique hangers not only provide a beautiful display for the bride and groom's wedding attire but also serve as memorable keepsakes. In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to make these elegant hangers using Dremel tools. Let's get started!

    You need
    Picture of materials needed for the project

    Now that you have your materials ready, let's dive into the step-by-step process of creating your engraved and burned Mr&Mrs hangers.

    Let's go - step by step


    Designing the Hangers

    Sketching a design on the hanger

    You need: Pencil, Ruler

    Start by deciding on the design and placement of the engraving. Using a pencil, lightly sketch the words "Mr" and "Mrs" on the hangers. Consider the style and font that best represents the couple's personalities.

    To ensure accuracy, use a ruler or measuring tape to mark the center of each hanger. This will help you position the engraving symmetrically.


    Engraving the Hangers

    Dremel Stylo+ engraving a wooden hanger
    Dremel Stylo+ with engraving accessory
    Dremel Stylo+ engraving a wooden hanger
    Dremel Stylo+ with engraving accessory

    You need: Safety Glasses, Dust mask

    Now it's time to use your DREMEL® Stylo+ and High-Speed Cutter 4.8mm (192) to engrave the words on the hangers. Put on your safety goggles and dust mask for protection.

    Carefully follow the sketched words, applying gentle and consistent pressure as you guide the DREMEL® Stylo+ along the lines. Take your time to ensure precision and avoid rushing the process.

    The High-Speed Cutter 4.8mm (192) is perfect for creating clean and precise lines. Keep the tool at a steady speed and let it do the work for you. Take breaks if needed to avoid overheating the tool.


    Burning the Engraving

    A Versatip butane tool being used to burn the engravings
    A Versatip butane tool displayed
    A Versatip butane tool being used to burn the engravings
    A Versatip butane tool displayed

    You need:

    To enhance the engraved words and add a unique touch, use the DREMEL® Versatip to burn the engraving. The Versatip allows for controlled and precise burning.

    Gently heat the tip of the Versatip and carefully trace the engraved lines. The heat will darken the wood, creating a beautiful burned effect. Adjust the temperature of the Versatip as needed to achieve the desired darkness.


    Adding Finishing Touches

    Engraved and Burned Hangers

    You need: Sandpaper

    Once the engravings are burned, remove any pencil marks and lightly sand the hangers using fine-grit sandpaper. This will create a smooth surface and enhance the overall appearance.

    Consider adding additional embellishments such as ribbons, bows, or flowers to further personalise the hangers and match the wedding theme.

    With this step-by-step guide, you can create elegant engraved and burned hangers with "Mr" and "Mrs," adding a personalised touch to your wedding day. Enjoy the process of crafting these beautiful keepsakes and let them be a symbol of love and celebration.