Snowflake Ice cubes

How to make snowflake ice cubes
  • Difficulty


Our Maker in Residence project was a seasonal project - something to embrace the holiday season. So, I decided to make a custom ice cube for your social gatherings.

You need

Step 1

Designing the snowflake in the Dremel software

Design your 3D snowflake. There are a lot of software options out there to create a 3D snowflake. Choose the one you are most comfortable with and start making! Tip: Before you begin any project, be sure that you read and understand the owner’s manual and safety instructions for each power tool or product used in your project. Protect yourself. Always wear eye protection, hearing protection, and a dust mask according to the owner’s manual and safety instructions for the power tool or product you use.


Step 2

3D Printing the snowflake

Once you have your snowflake ready, print it on the Dremel 3D Idea Builder.


Step 3

Object ready to be removed
Creating the snowflake mold
Object ready to be removed
Creating the snowflake mold

Create your snowflake mold. This was a new process for me, I’ve never made a mold before. But it’s not that hard. Find a container that is slightly larger than your object. Mix food safe mold material and fill the container. When its all done you remove the object and you are left with a negative shape for your ice cube.


Step 4

Enjoy a drink with the ice cube
Wash the mold
Fill the mold with water
Enjoy a drink with the ice cube
Wash the mold

Wash the mold with soap and water then fill with water, and freeze. Now you are ready to enjoy your Holidays with a drink made just for you.