Towel Tree


    Artfully organize your bathroom by creating this towel tree. Everyone in the family gets a dedicated branch!

    You need

    Step 1

    Painting the trunk of the tree on the wall

    Begin by painting the trunk of your tree on the wall. We made our tree 5 feet tall.


    Step 2

    Using the Moto-Saw, cut along the branches template

    Now it is time to create your branches. Templates to branches like ours are available for download at Spray mount your template onto your plywood. Using your Moto-Saw and the Side Cutting Blade, cut along your template. You may find it easier to clamp your plywood to your workbench and cut the piece using the Moto-Saw in the handheld position. Run your tool at a speed setting of 6 for this application. Remember to let the speed of the tool do the work and do not force the blade through the plywood.


    Step 3

    Use Dremel Rotary tool to get sharp corners

    For extra help in getting sharp corners, we experimented with drilling small pilot holes in the corner of our leaves, where they meet the branches. To do this, mount a 150 Drill Bit in your Dremel Rotary Tool, set the tool to high speed and lightly plunge down into your work piece.


    Step 4

    Paint the branches

    Once you have cut all of your branches, paint them with a moisture-resistant paint. We even recommend adding a paint sealer as a top coat to prevent moisture damage from wet towels.


    Step 5

    Mount the branches to the trunk on the wall

    Next, we mounted our branches to the trunk on the wall. We left some branches stationary, nailing them into the wall. For our branches serving as towel hooks, we mounted them to the wall with brackets. If you are screwing the brackets into drywall, we recommend hammering anchors into the wall first for added support.


    Step 6

    Use the Moto-Saw to cut out leaves

    As a final touch, we used our extra stamped metal from our Hearts Project in week one. Simply use the Moto-Saw with the Metal-Cutting Blade to cut out leaf overlays. We recommend placing scrap pieces of cardboard above and below your material when cutting metal. This helps you to achieve a more precise cut by absorbing excess vibration. Use a speed setting of 6 for this cut. Nail the leaves into place and you're done!