Print Removal

Tools Required:

1. Object removal tool

Step 1: Bring Printer To Safe State

Allow the build plate and nozzle to cool down below 60 degrees C before handling. To ensure this, using the touchscreen go to tools, preheat, then select pause on both nozzle temperature, and platform temperature icons. Allow the temperature to drop below 60 degrees C on both nozzle and platform. The build platform may take up to 20 minutes to cool down to a safe temperature.

Step 2: Remove Build Plate from Printer

a. Remove the build plate from the printer using the tabs on the right and left side of the the build plate (shown in left picture). Place it vertically against a sturdy surface (shown in right photo).

b. Ensure the build plate is well secure and will not slip once the object removal tool is being used.

Print Removal

Step 3: Remove the Printed Part

a. Place the tip of the object removal tool where the print is attached to the build plate.

b. Give a firm bump on the top part of the object removal tool.

c. Repeat this process if needed until the part detaches from the build plate.

Print Removal