Dremel AT02-PGK Pet Grooming Attachment Kit



Dremel AT02-PGK Pet Grooming Attachment Kit



Dremel AT02-PGK Pet Grooming Attachment Kit

Product Overview

  • Guide and attachment ensures the correct angle for trimming your pet's nails
  • Designed to effortlessly collect nail dust and protect fur around paws
  • Easy-to-use from the comfort of home for all breeds and sizes of dogs
  • Clear cap for easy viewing of the nail throughout the project
  • Simple hinge allows for easy assembly, removal and cleaning
  • Works seamlessly with a variety of Dremel rotary tools, including: 3000, 3100, 4000, 4300, 7300-PT, 7300-PGK, 7700, 7760, 8100, 8220, 8240, 8250, 8260
  • Not compatible with the Dremel 7350-PETD
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Compatible with a variety of Dremel Tools

Happy pets have healthy paws

Happy pets have healthy paws

Already own a Dremel tool and want to easily begin trimming your pet’s nails? The pet grooming attachment kit has 5 accessories and a nail guard attachment that can get you up and running in no time. DIY dog nail grinding is just a click away.

Pet grooming nail guard. The use of scissor- and guillotine-type clippers apply pressure and pinch the nail, which can be uncomfortable for pet toes and feet. The Dremel pet grooming nail guard attachment allows you to quickly, easily and gently trim your pet's nails. The Dremel pet grooming nail guard positions pet nails at a 45-degree angle of cut. The clear cap allows easy viewing and is adjustable for use on other Dremel rotary tools. The nail guard features a hinged design so the housing can be opened for easy cleaning and assembly. With easy-to-follow instructions included in the kit, you'll be grooming pet nails in minutes.Fits the Dremel 7300-PGK cordless rotary tool and the 7700, 8100, 8220, 3000, 4000 and 4300 rotary tools.

Fits Tool Model:
Dremel models: 3000, 3100, 4000, 4300, 7300-PT, 7300-PGK, 7700, 7760, 8100, 8220, 8240, 8250, 8260
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