Reclaimed Table

How to recycle a pallet for a multi-functional table
  • Difficulty

Recycle a pallet for a multi-functional table.

You need

Step 1

Using the DSM20 and DS500 cut the pallet in half

Cut the pallet in half - against the center support beam - using the Saw-Max tool fit with the plastic and wood wheel. Use the beam as your guide as you cut through the wooden planks.


Step 2

Use a Dremel tool to remove any stubborn nails

Remove planks and re-position them to fit more tightly together. You can use scrap planks from the removed portion of the pallet. Use a Multi-Max tool to remove any stubborn nails.


Step 3

Using Dremel DSM20 plunge cut the center three planks in a rectangle

Plunge cut the center three planks in a rectangle to make space for your plants to sit.


Step 4

Cut the support beam with Dremel DSM20 into 4 piece to create legs for table.

Cut the support beam you removed in step one into 4 equal-lengthed pieces to create the legs to your table. Secure with screws


To reduce the risk of injury user must read instruction manuals for all tools used in this project. Wear eye and respiratory protection. Use clamps to support work piece whenever practical.