PVC Lamp
  • Difficulty


PVC projects are already trending this year! With your new FortiFlex tool you can make creative patterns in PVC for an upcycled lantern-like glow in any space.

You need

Step 1

Size and cut lamp with Dremel Saw-Max eith SM500 wheel

You need:

Begin by selecting the size of lamp you wish to create. We created a tiered effect by cutting our lamps to three different sizes: 9", 13" and 18" tall. Measure and mark your cuts. Secure your PVC in a vice or hold it firmly against a lip on your workspace. Using your Dremel Saw-Max fit with a SM500 wheel, cut along your marked line. Depending on the size of your LED candles, varying diameters of PVC pipe may work for you. We chose using pipe 4" in diameter. To complete a full cut through the pipe, you may find you'll need to rotate the pipe as you cut it. To do this, release pressure on the pipe slightly so it is still secure but can be rotated. With your free hand securely holding the end of the pipe, turn the pipe towards you very slowly as you cut along the marked line.


Step 2

Cut and carve pattern with Dremel FortiFlex tool

You need:

Next is the fun part- cutting or carving your selected pattern into the pipes! The NEW Dremel FortiFlex tool delivers the power & precision to make detailed patterns and designs even through thick PVC. You may choose to freehand or use a stencil for your lamp. We chose to layout a geometric pattern on our PVC, taping it off with painter's tape. The EZ544 Cutting Wheel worked well for our straight lines. If your pattern has more curved lines, we recommend using a 561 Multi-Purpose Cutting bit or 117 High Speed Cutter for an etched effect.


Step 3

Use bit to  design pattern

You need:

Once you've layed out your pattern on your pipe, insert your desired bit into the tool. You'll find the accessory change process to be easy using the integrated three-jaw-chuck on the FortiFlex. Next, apply light pressure to the foot pedal until you have found your optimal desired speed. Lightly trace along your marked line for an etched effect, making several passes. To make cut-out shapes, plunge into your line of cut, holding the bit perpendicular to the pipe. To make sharp corners as we did for our diamond patter, we first plunged into each corner using the Multipurpose Bit, then connected the dots using the EZ544 Cutting Wheel.


Step 4

Cut with FortiFlex tool

You need:

Next, we swapped out accessories in our FortiFlex tool for the EZ543 Cutting/ Shaping Wheel. This is our go-to wheel for making cuts in plastic. Using your foot pedal to control your speed, connect the dots you drilled in step 2 to complete your cut-outs.


Step 5

Finished lamp

You need:

Finally, it is time to paint! Remove any tape or stencil pattern if you used it to complete your cut-outs. We spray painted our lamps with Rust-Oleum Painter's Touch spray-paint which adheres to wood metal and plastic. Allow to dry completely. Then, turn on your LED candle and set the pipe on top for a lantern glow!