Easy upcycled snowflakes
  • Difficulty


We can't wait for you to try these easy upcycled snowflakes Pauline showed us how to make! Use new or recycled wood (she used garden stakes), a few tools and you'll have a great gift or décor to keep for yourself!

You need

Step 1

Putting all the stakes aside

You need:


Think of this snowflake as having 2 "layers". (a top and a bottom) The top layer consists of 3 shorter stakes, and the bottom layer consists of 3 longer ones. (Picture them stacked on top of each other and joined through the center like bicycle spokes) Before you begin, put all your stakes aside, except three. (These 3 stakes you begin with are going to make up the main "arms" of your snowflake after step 2.)


Step 2

Cutting stakes using the Saw-Max

You need:


Clamp and cut three 48 in. stakes using the Saw-Max equipped with the SM600 wheel along with a Miter Guide. You want to have three longer pieces, and three shorter ones after you cut (so don't cut them exactly in half). I chose to stack them and make one cut at 28 inches. That gave me three 28 inch strips (my bottom "layer"), and three 20 inch strips (my top "layer").


Step 3

Drilling a hole through the stacked strips

You need:


Measure and mark the center of your shorter strips, and then do the same for your longer ones. Stack them and drill your hole. (This will ensure your snowflake is symmetrical.)


Step 4

Clamping with the Miter  to cut
Organizing strips based on measurements
Pairing the strips needed
Clamping with the Miter  to cut
Organizing strips based on measurements

You need:


Taking two stakes from your untouched stake pile, stack and clamp with the Miter Guide to make miter cuts. I like to cut them in pairs. I make one cut, then "open" the pieces like a book, and I have a "V"! (Perfect shape for the ends of a snowflake) You'll need 12 V's for the bottom layer ends, and 12 for the top layer. I chose to make mine as follows: Bottom layer V's 5.5" long Top layer V's 3.25" long (And don't forget the 6 straight edged pieces...) Straight edge pieces 3.25" long After you've cut a total of 24 V's for your snowflake tips, (12 longer & 12 shorter), you'll need to cut 6 straight edged pieces.


Step 5

Glue and nail the pieces together
Laying out the snowflake pieces
Glue and nail the pieces together
Laying out the snowflake pieces

You need:


This is when things get really fun. Lay your snowflake pieces out and play around with the pattern (V's pointing in, V's pointing out, etc.) When you've decided on your layout, begin gluing and nailing the V's and 6 straight edged pieces in place. Suggestion: To get even placement on all tips, stack one strip on top of the first one that you nail to guide you, or lay them side by side while lining up ends. Flip the strip around and do the same on the other tip.


Step 6

Distressing as needed using the Dremel Multi-Max
Painting as desired
Distressing as needed using the Dremel Multi-Max
Painting as desired

You need:


Paint and distress as desired. I like to do both sides (front and back). This makes the snowflake look amazing if it's free - hanging and allowed to twist with a breeze. The Multi-Max fitted with a Sanding Pad & Paper is perfect for distressing, and makes short work of all those angles.


Step 7

Stacking the snowflake strips and lining them up

You need:


Stack the 3 top snowflake strips on the bottom 3 strips, lining up the center hole. Feed the bolt through the hole and tighten the nut as you fan out the snowflake. When the spacing is just right, tighten nut completely and you're done! When it's time to put away your snowflake for the season, simply unfasten the center bolt and stack the snowflake strips for storage.