Wooden Beer Caddy

Wooden beer caddy


    Prepare for St. Patty’s Day by building your own Wooden beer caddy .

    You need

    Step 1

    Use the Ultra-Saw to cut a piece of cedar 9 x 12 to create the bottom

    First, use the Dremel Ultra-Saw and the US500 Wood Cutting Wheel to cut the dowels to the lengths and quantities in the Supplies list. The 3/4" dowel rod will become the caddy's handle.


    Step 2

    Cut another piece of cedar into a 5 x 12 rectangle using the Multi-Max

    Still using the Ultra-Saw, cut a piece of cedar 9" x 12" to create the bottom of the caddy.


    Step 3

    cut two more pieces of cedar 5 x 7 34 with the Ultra-Saw and make slots

    Continuing to use the Ultra-Saw, cut another piece of cedar into a 5" x 12" rectangle. Use the Dremel Multi-Max and MM411 blade to cut two slots into the wood, 3/4" x 2 3/4" as shown.


    Step 4

    cut two pieces 9x5 scribe a line to connect top and bottom and drill holes

    Then, cut two more pieces of cedar, both 5" x 7 3/4" with the Ultra-Saw. Use the MM40 again to cut a slot 3/4" x 2 3/4" in each board, as shown in the image.


    Step 5

    Drill a 3/4" hole that is a 1/2" deep for the handle of the dowel. Then, drill six 1/2" holes that are a 1/2" deep for the rail dowels, as shown in the image

    Next, cut two pieces of cedar 9" x 14". Measure 9 1/2" from the bottom edge on each side and on the top edge 4 1/2" from the side. Scribe a line to connect the top and side points. Cut as shown, to nip off the peak created by the previous cut. Drill a 3/4" hole that is a 1/2" deep for the handle of the dowel. Then, drill six 1/2" holes that are a 1/2" deep for the rail dowels, as shown in the image. We made ours 2 1/2" from the bottom edge, 1 1/2" apart, and a 1/2" from the side edge.


    Step 6

    Finally, assemble all the parts as shown with glue, nails, or screws, and attach the bottle opener

    Finally, assemble all the parts as shown with glue, nails, or screws, and attach the bottle opener, if preferred.


    To reduce the risk of injury user must read instruction manuals for all tools used in this project. Wear eye and respiratory protection. Use clamps to support work piece whenever practical.