Yes, there are differences between the tools and assortment. The range of products is different, but also the technical specifications can differ worldwide (for instance the voltage). Please refer to the country website for exact product programs and specific product details.
Please check our product manuals which are downloadable under the “downloads” area on our website and are included in the product kits. You can also refer to the Quick Start Book for some general hints and tips, this can be downloaded as well from the download area on the website.
By using the “Retailer Locator” on our Dremel websites you can find a list of the nearest dealers and the best route to reach them. If you want to shop them online, please find our Online dealers here.
The Dremel catalogue is available for download.
There could be a few things contributing to that. To trouble shoot that for yourself, start by taking everything off the tool – remove any accessory, remove the chuck or the collet and collet nut. Turn the tool on. Let it run for a second. If you detect something, that tool should be submitted to us for evaluation. The tolerances on our tools help us manufacture a tool that is not prone to run out – but we are smart enough to never say never. If the tool seems to be running smoothly, turn it off, add the chuck, secure it and turn the tool on. How is the tool running? If you detect a wobble, we may need to take a look at your chuck. When you thread that onto the tool, it should be closing evenly. If you're using a collet and collet nut, do the same thing. Secure those on the tool and check it out. Finally, if the tool is operating properly with those elements in place, now consider your accessory. Properly seating an accessory is really a critical step to reducing or eliminating run out. Our advice is to insert the accessory as deeply as possible into the collet/collet nut or chuck, then start to tighten things down. Make sure you don't tighten on any actual fluting – accessories are not designed to be held by the fluting – but by the shank. When you turn the tool on, if you're getting excessive wobble, turn the tool off, loosen the accessory, pull it out and turn it a quarter turn and reseat it. Sometimes you have to do this several times to get things fully balanced. The benefit in doing so is a better run with the tool – more comfort and control when you're operating the tool, more consistent wear on the accessory, and of course better results.
Our packaging will always tell you what size shank the accessory is (show an example of that). The collets are marked with ring. The 480 does not have any rings around the stem, the 481 (3/32) has 3 rings, the 482 (1/16) has 2 rings, and the 483 (1/32) has 1 ring. Note: after you have inserted and tightened down on the shank of any accessory, always check to make sure the accessory is tight in the tool by giving it a little tug before you turn your tool on. If the collet and collet nut you have chosen are not securing that accessory, you may need a different collet.
Please check whether you can resolve the problem yourself. Hints and tips can be found in the product manual. If you no longer have the manual, they are downloadable under the “downloads” area on our website. If you are unable to resolve the problem yourself, please see if the tool still under warranty or contact the service department.
All Dremel power tools are carefully checked, tested and are subject to the stringent controls of Dremel Quality Assurance. Dremel therefore offers a guarantee for Dremel power tools. Please visit the warranty page on our website for more info.
Our online search is fast and easy to use enabling you to find original spare parts for your power tool. Go to the spare parts website, simply enter your tool's type number in the search field and find the parts you are looking for.
The 4000 and 3000 share some similarities. But the main difference is the power and on/off switch, which is higher or added to the 4000. The 3000 on the other hand is smaller and more light weight than the 4000.
But the 4000 features a speed dial that is separated from the on/off switch and can dial up or down speed in approximately 1000 rpm increments. The benefit for any user is that when you find that "sweet-spot" for speed, they will be able to get back to that. The on/off switch on the 4000 also locks out the collet or shaft lock mechanism. That means when the tool is on, you cannot accidentally push or activate the collet locking mechanism and damage the tool. Further the 4000 has electronic feedback, which gives you that extra push, when doing tougher applications.
The Dremel 3000 and 4300 Multi-tools have consumer replaceable motor brushes. To replace the brushes on a Dremel 4000 please contact us
The bushes should last between 50 and 100 hours, depending on your application. A consistently more aggressive application could cause brushes to require more frequent changing. Our advice is to check the brushes every 30 hours. When the carbon piece is shorter than 1/8 then both brushes should be replaced. Keep in mind they will not wear identically. Not checking and replacing your brushes could cause damage to the tool. Once replaced, we recommend the tool be turned on with no load for 5 to 10 minutes to seat the brushes. The tool will run smoother with seated brushes.
The 3000, 4000, 4300 tools will work with all accessories in our line that are suitable for use on a high speed rotary tool. Most of those will have a 3,2mm shank. Some (like smaller drill bits) will have smaller shanks. If you are not using a keyless chuck (sold separately) it is really important to use the alternative collet and collet nut we supplied. The collet supplied with this tool will work with accessories that are 3.2mm shank. If you require a collet that will work with a smaller shank accessory, they can be purchased separately (#481, #482, #483) or in a full set (#4485). Please use the collet that corresponds with the shank size of your chosen accessory.
It depends – the 3000 features variable speed on a click-and-set switch – when using this tool your speed selection is going to be more of a feel or a sound as you get comfortable using the tool. The speed chart in the owner's manual acts as a guideline for the speed settings of 2/4/6/8/10 on the tool. If you know your application could require more exacting speeds or power then we would encourage you to consider moving up to the 4000 or 4300. You can also consider the cordless tools for extra freedom, these model numbers are 8220 or Lite (also known as 7760).
No. The 4000 is designed to be a tool that will work as well for heavy duty applications as it does for the lighter duty uses.
There is no fixed answer to this question. The runtime of a cordless tool depends on the battery type, the type of application (e.g. light polishing or heavy cutting) and the tool model (Lite or 8220). We have designed our tools in such a way that the average battery life of each tool is matched with the most frequent type of applications for each model.
Dremel batteries will last for hundreds of charges.
Stall protection is built into the tool to protect the motor and the battery from overheating in the event of a stall in the material.
The stall protection kicks in when you put too much pressure on the tool for too long or the bit becomes bound in the work piece, especially at high speeds. If this happens, the motor will stop. Simply remove the tool from the material. If the tool was stuck for more than five seconds, you will have to turn the tool off and then back on to re-start. If the stall was less time than that, the tool should begin spinning on its own when removed from the material. If you find you are continually stopping in the work piece, you may need to consider an alternative tool, accessory, or technique to accomplish what you are attempting to do with the tool. Keep in mind the tool is more prone to stall sensitivity when the battery is close to the end of the charge.
For tools with separate battery charger (not usb charger), like the one for the 8220:
Keep in mind if the charger detects the battery is fully charged, the indicator lights on the charger may cycle through quickly and it will look like your battery is not charging. To check that, take your tool back out of the charger, turn it on and see what color the fuel gauge light is. If it is green, you are good to go. The tool does not need any charging. On the charger itself, there is nothing that will light up. All of those signals will show up on the tool. When the battery terminals in the tool make contact with the charger, the tool will evaluate the state of the battery. If charging is necessary, so the battery can accept any charge at all, the blue lights on the tool that indicated speed will scroll while the tool is accepting a charge. If the battery is too hot or cold, the tool will not charge immediately, but will reevaluate and when the tool gets to the proper temperature, charging will begin.
For tools with a USB charger (like Lite (7760)):
While the tool is charging, you will see the indicator in the tool lightened up. Once this light is off, the battery is charged:
The high performance motor will allow the tool to maintain speed under load/in use. The feature is designed to bring the tool back to the selected speed when the accessory meets the material. This will really be most noticeable at the lower and mid-range speeds. It will be undetectable in high speed applications. It is important to consider technique when using any tool that works through speed instead of torque. A tool that works as a result of torque or force is different than a high speed rotary tool. The accessory should never be forced into the material. Consider a less aggressive more frequent pass and at the lower and mid-range speeds, the tool will adjust to come back up to the selected speed.
The pet nail grooming kit has 2 speed setting. We advise to start with the lowest speed setting first, to get the dog used to the tool. This setting could be perfect to use the whole time. But if you want more material removal and your dog allows you to do so, you can set the speed to position 2.
Before trimming your pet’s nails, you will need to identify the quick. The diagram below shows the basic anatomy of a pet’s toenail. The outer nail is hard and has no feeling because it has no nerve endings. The core of the nail is the quick. It is made up of tiny blood vessels and nerve endings and is very sensitive. The quick is a vein that “feeds” the toenail. Should you cut the quick while trimming a nail, the nail will start to bleed. Light colored nails are often transparent enough to allow you to see the quick’s pink core. Dark colored nails may not allow you to see where the quick is located. Pets may have both light and dark colored nails that allow you to estimate the length of the quick. The diagram also shows an estimate of the proper angle at which to trim a pet’s nails. A rule of thumb for the proper angle is 45 degrees upwards from the bottom of the paw. This angle is what the guide on the attachment provides. The proper angle may vary according to the pet owner’s wishes or the pet’s unique anatomy. Trim nails so that they almost touch the ground when your pet is walking.
Grooming a pet’s nails for the first time can be a worrisome experience for both the pet and pet owner. Rest assured that nail grooming does not have to be a stressful experience. By starting early and considering grooming to be part of your pet’s training, your pet will grow used to the experience. First, train your pet to feel comfortable with their paws being touched and handled before exposing them to the rotary tool. One way to do this is to massage their legs, paws, and individual toes for a few minutes at least once a day. Afterwards, create a positive association with this experience by rewarding your pet with its favorite snack. Next, help your pet grow gradually accustomed to the rotary tool. Let your pet sniff the tool while it is turned off. Then, while keeping the tool in your hand, let your pet listen to the sound the tool makes when it is turned on. Ideally, have your pet sit or lay on its side while the tool is in your hand and running. Gradually work up to having your pet’s toenails touch the rotating sanding disc for less than a second. Do not grind the nails yet; simply let your pet become familiar with the tool. Throughout the acclimation process, continue to praise your pet and reward good behavior with a snack. This process may take a couple of days or weeks.
Yes, click here to go to the accessory part of our website. You can use the filtering to find the right accessory for you.
It is an innovative system developed by Dremel which allows you to easily change accessories within seconds using 3 simple steps: Pull, Click and Twist. This method eradicates the use of any additional tool or wrench. The accessories can be recognized by the EZ SpeedClic logo.
There are 2 methods of attaching accessories to the multi-tool: Collets: There are 4 different collet sizes (0,8 / 1,6 / 2,4 / 3,2mm). Accessory shanks have 4 different diameters that will require the use of one of the collets. Your Dremel tool will have been supplied with the 3,2mm collet. If you purchase an accessory with a smaller shank you need to also purchase the proper collet size. The collets can be purchased as a set including all collet sizes or as individual collets. Multi chuck: If you have the Multi chuck (4486) you don’t need to use collets, the multi chuck fits all Genuine Dremel accessories with shank sizes from 0,4 up to 3,4mm. It works like a regular drill chuck and you don’t need to tighten it more than hand tight.
Yes and no. All Dremel attachments can be connected to Dremel multi-tools with a threaded nose. But not all combinations of tool and attachment will work optimally. You can see here which tool will work with what attachment.
Older attachments like the plunge router, router/shaper table and drill station have a different way of connecting the tool to the attachment. If you have one of these three attachments you can order an adapter at your local customer service. With this adapter your attachment can connect to your new Dremel multi-tool. You can see here if you need an adapter.
If you are using a low temp colour or glitter glue stick, the glue may lose its colour pigments. Also, the high temperature will make your low temperature glue too liquid which will also result in a dripping glue gun.
Overview of Glue Guns:
Overview of Glue Sticks:
Depends on the usage, in general it takes about five minutes before the glue in its chamber cools down. But the Gluegun needs power to heat more glue and refill it's chamber.
There are two accessories, the replaceable engraving tips. They are the #9924 carbide tip and #9929 diamond tip. The accessories that fit in the Dremel multi-tools will not work in this tool.
The carbide point will work well for general purpose engraving in most materials. If you have an application that will require continuous work or is in much more brittle material like glass, the diamond tip is designed to handle harder loads for a longer time. It will provide the same cut but will withstand harder materials and/or longer use on ordinary materials. The diamond tip is not suitable for engraving on steel.
There is a little screw on the side of the tool where the point meets the housing of the tool. By loosening that screw it is very easy to replace the tip.
The gas used for the Versatip and Versaflame is regular butane gas. This is the same gas that is used for cigarette lighters. Butane gas can be easily found at traditional tool shops and dedicated tobacco stores. Follow the instruction manual on how to refill the tank.
The Versatip is used for soft soldering applications and pyrography. It’s pen-shape makes it very comfortable to use for precise jobs. It also includes more tips than the Versaflame, so it can be used for broader applications. The Versaflame is used for more general soldering work. It can be used as a soldering iron as well as an open flame stationary torch. Both tools can reach a temperature of up to 1200°C, depending on the accessory used. The difference between the 2 tools is that the Versaflame has a higher energy output, so you can heat-up more material in a shorter time.
You can hear the gas flowing when you switch the tool on but it does not ignite. This could be because there is no spark coming from the Versatip. In order to correct this please ensure the Metal Flame Guard is correctly and tightly secured. This will ensure connection to the metal pin which generates the spark. Do not touch the Versatip until it has been cooled down completely.
This could be because the nozzle has become blocked by liquid butane. The most common cause of a blocked nozzle is overfilling of the tank. The tank is full when liquid butane gas escapes from the filling valve. Once this happens please stop refilling the gas to avoid overfilling of the tank. Please refer to the (RE)FILLING THE TANK section of the Versatip manual for more details. If the problem persists, unscrew the Metal Flame Guard. Then unscrew the Ceramic Insulator. Remove the Nozzle with a set of pliers and allow the liquid butane inside the nozzle to vaporize by holding the nozzle for 30 second and then reassemble the components. If a problem persists beyond these suggestions, please contact us so we can provide guidance on getting your tool to us so we can take a closer look at it.
The Dremel DSM20 is an extremely powerful and compact hand-held saw. It allows users to easily perform straight, plunge, flush and miter cuts in a variety of materials.
Yes. The DSM20 currently has five different accessories for you to choose from. These allow the user to cut in a wide variety of materials.
The DSM20 offers a maximum depth of cut of 20mm.
No. The DSM20 is a very unique tool to Dremel, and therefore requires very unique accessories. Other Dremel accessories are also not compatible with the DSM20.
A plunge cut is when you cut right into the middle of the material. This is particularly convenient with the DSM20, since its cutting wheels do not have teeth, but abrasive grit, ensuring a smooth dive into the material. In addition to that, the spring loaded foot helps you to plunge cut into the material precise and safe. Flush cutting is possible with the DSM600 Multipurpose Cutting Wheel. This special accessory is an offset wheel with dome shape allowing you to cut at surface level. A rip cut is a straight cut-off of a piece of material, usually parallel with the grain (in wood).
Yes. The flexible shaft and the hand piece become warm during use; therefore, the grease inside becomes more fluid. Make sure that the hand piece is not hanging downwards after use to avoid the grease dripping out.
No. To lubricate your flexible shaft use regular ball bearing grease. HINT: in order to prolong the life of your tool, make sure that its flexible shaft is regularly greased.
Replacements of these items can be obtained from your local customer service.
The Dremel Forti-Flex has a fully adjustable chuck interface (up to 4mm) for accessories and so can fit any current Dremel Multitool accessory of any mandrel size without the use of multiple collets. The Dremel Forti-Flex should not be used with Dremel Trio accessories as these 4.8mm mandrels are too big for the Forti-Flex chuck. Dremel Multi-Max, Engraver and VersaTip/VersaFlame accessories are also not compatible.
Tough cleaning jobs are a thing of the past with the powerful and versatile Dremel Versa. High-speed scrubbing, in a compact size, is ideal for tackling soap scum, baked on food, difficult grease, dirt and much more. The Lithium-Ion battery charges fast and is perfect for indoor and outdoor, dry and wet uses. The light-weight and compact design is ideal for single hand use and to tackle hard to reach places. Accessories changes are fast with the hook and loop interface. Switch from tile to glass, or upholstery to metal in no time, and use the Dremel Versa with our without water and cleaner based on the application.; For more information go to Dremel PC10.
When finished using the cleaning pad, take it off the backup pad, rinse it with water and set it aside to dry. After the pad gets worn, replace the pad with a new one.
To get the best performance from the tool we’d like to offer the following tips: Charging Your Tool: Before using your product, please charge your tool for at least two hours. This will ensure that you have full battery potential for your first project. You will know you’re charging when the blue light is illuminated. When the tool is fully charged (after approximately two hours) the charging will automatically stop and the blue light will turn off.
Using Your Tool: If you find that your tool is turning off during use, try reducing the pressure you use. The tool is designed to stop if too much pressure is applied. Let the tool do the work. If you are not getting the desired results, use a more aggressive cleaning pad. Wet your pad before use and consider using dish soap. This will help your pad to operate smoothly.
Bristle Brush, Corner Brush, Eraser Pad, Non-scratch pad, and heavy duty pad can be used for cleaning your car. The Versa Power Cleaner is only recommended for cleaning the headlights on an automobile.; Using the white foam pad and polishing compound specifically for headlights, can be done. Make sure to apply masking tap around the headlight so the pad does not run into the painted body parts. We recommend using light pressure with the tool and use the splash guard attachment so the compound will not spray over the car. Other surfaces on a car are not designed to be cleaned with the pads.
There are 2 options to glass engrave using Dremel tools: Dremel engraver (290): The Dremel engraver works with strokes and comes in a kit with a Carbide engraving tip. Select one of five depth levels on the tool and start engraving. Dremel multi-tool: For fine engraving use a diamond wheel point accessory. There are 7 different sizes and shapes. When filling in a design we suggest the use of Silicon Carbide Grinding Stones which are available in 6 different sizes and shapes. For further information about our products above please go to accessories section at the website.
The Series 100 is a single speed tool. The Series 200 is a two speed tool.
Yes. The 7700 has a 7.2 volt rechargeable NiCd battery pack. The 8000 and 8200 both have 10.8 volt rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery packs. The advantage of Lithium-Ion batteries is that they keep their electrical charge much longer and they do not have the so called “memory effect”, so you can charge the battery whenever you want.
Both the 8000 and 8200 have 10.8 volt Li-ion batteries. However, because the motor of the 8200 is bigger and the electronics are a bit more clever, the performance of the 8200 is higher than the 8000. Roughly, the all-round performance of the 8000 is the cordless equivalent of the corded Dremel 300-Series and the high performance 8200 is the equivalent of the corded Dremel 4000.
The Multi-Max accessory screw uses a 5mm hex wrench.
The accessory screw is an M6 x 1 machine screw that is 18mm long.
Reduce the speed setting on the tool. We suggest not exceeding a speed setting of 7 (or 18,000 Oscillations Per Minute (OPM) on the Multi-Max tool for this accessory.